Many times paying a little more up front saves your company much more down the road. Nowhere is this truer than in the world of primary oil/solids separation.
We explore many of the life cycle costs that must be considered in the True Cost of Ownership white paper, but why take our word for it? Mercer has created an Oil Water Separator cost calculator that adds up all of the operational cost savings your company will receive by investing in a Mercer Multi-Pack™ system.
As covered in the Comparing Coalescers white paper, this calculator is set up to allow the end user to view what the true before and after picture looks like once an OWS is installed in the field. The numbers can be staggering, as what looks like the cheaper option at the point of acquisition often times ends up costing a company hundreds of thousands more in operational expenses.
This easy to use calculator allows you to simply enter a flow rate, select a type of coalescer style, and compare costs with Mercer’s flat plate, cross flow, anti-fouling coalescer system. The final tally is a three-decade break down of the equipment, manpower, and consumable costs for all options. By importing your real OPEX numbers, or accepting industry averages, you can better understand how Mercer is ALWAYS the less expensive option after the initial installation.
Mercer’s goal is to not only be your most efficient removal partner, but to achieve this with drastically lower maintenance requirements and the associated costs that accompany many of the “cheaper” alternatives. The numbers don’t lie…plug yours in!